Friday 24 October 2014

Grayson Perry - Who Are You

Link to the show:
Grayson Perry - Who Are You

Perry is looking at identity through power, gender, fame & religion in this first episode. He studies his subjects in a unique way, he doesn't just look at them as a physical person, he looks at their background and how they are as a person to inspire the portrait. I love his approach to portraiture as he captures more than just how the person looks and also he does not make just paintings or drawings, he makes objects. His religious portrait takes the form of a Hijab (headscarf), his power portrait was a smashed vase to represent the cracks in the persons identity, gender identity was shown as a sculpture and for the fame portrait he did a Elizabethan miniature portrait.

For me the most interesting was the gender identity and the pressures on teenagers and how they have to justify their identity everyday. "told my identity is between my legs not where my heart is" was a really moving statement from the person going through male hormone replacement therapy.
Fame (Screen capture from the program)

Religion (Screen capture from the program)

Gender (Screen capture from the program)

Power (Screen capture from the program)


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