Thursday 30 April 2015

Muscle And Fitness

Muscle And Fitness Magazine

After doing some experimentation with Topman magazine pages I thought what if I use a very masculine magazine and make it more feminine and still about the internal struggle going on. I found that the results were very good and I really liked embroidering onto paper and how it feels to hold the object itself. 

M & F: Page 1

M & F: Page 1 

M & F: Pages 2 & 3

M & F: Pages 4 & 5

M & F: Pages 6 & 7

M & F: Pages 8 & 9

M & F: Pages 10 & 11

Add captionM & F: Pages 12 & 13

M & F: Pages 14 & 15

M & F: Pages 16 & 17

M & F: Pages 18 & 19

M & F: Page 19

M & F: Page 19

M & F: Pages 20 & 21

M & F: Pages 22 & 23

M & F: Pages 24 & 25

M & F: Pages 26 & 27

After making this I bought a fashion magazine called 'V' and I would like to experiment more with that and collaging on images. I thought that if I wanted to explore body image and disordered thinking in relation to the body, using the most idealist image of beauty would be a good place to start. 


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