Friday, 1 May 2015

Millie Brown

Millie Brown

"I wanted to use my body to create art," she remembers. "I wanted it to truly come from within, to create something beautiful that was raw and uncontrollable." So what exactly did she do? "I vomited the entire rainbow on the stage." Altogether, it took around two hours, colour after colour. "I wasn't even sure if it was physically possible," she says. "I hadn't eaten in days because I didn't know how long it took for my stomach to clean out food. And I don't think having chunks of food within the paint is necessarily beautiful."
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I came across Millie Brown when I was researching around eating disorders and body image, although her motivation behind the work is not relevant to what I am interested, the way her work manifests itself is. The act of forced vomiting comes from individuals with conditions like BED (Binge Eating Disorder) in which the person will binge on high calorie foods/amounts and then purge their system by vomiting, or other conditions like Bulimia. 


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