Wednesday 22 April 2015

Video Piece

Video Piece

I was thinking about how I could develop the idea of an evolution from male to female into a four screen installation and made this video which would loop continuously with a screen on each wall. The screens would surround the audience and flash continuously, sadly I can not really make up this installation as we do not have the kind of fabric back projected screens I would need.

Below would be the layout of the room with a screen taking up each wall, I made the video in one long strip so that it would better demonstrate the effect. The first image would appear on the left wall and they would then continue clockwise.

Image Link
I feel that making this piece has put a 'full stop' in my work around the Transgender community and the story of 'Auntie Frankie', I feel that the video has demonstrated her journey from male to female in a sense. I think her journey has now got a closing point and it is time for me to move on to more issues surrounding the body and mind. My main interest thus far has been about the body and how people see it, I really want to explore conditions such as Body Dysmorphia, Bulimia, Anorexia and other ways body image is affected. 


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