Thursday 31 March 2016

Laser Cutting Experiments

Laser Cutting/Engraving Experiments

I did a laser cutting/ engraving workshop and I decided to take an image I produced and turn it into a laser cutting and a laser engraving. I really enjoyed the process of making the pieces and I decided to layers some existing collage pieces underneath both the engraving and the cutting to see what kind of effect it had. I really like how the laser cutting works with collage elements underneath and also the laser engraving worked fairly well but I think it could be improved by making more collages that have less white in them to show up the engraving.

I plan on doing some more experiments with possible video projection and more collages and paintings to layer underneath.
Collage and Laser engraving (A4)

Collage and Laser engraving (A4)

Collage and Laser engraving (A4)

Collage and Laser engraving (A4)

Collage and Laser cutting (A4)

Collage and Laser cutting (A4)


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