Monday, 18 April 2016

Dagrun Iris Sigmundsottiris

Dagrun Iris Sigmundsottiris

Dagrun Iris Sigmundsottiris is a contemporary artist living and working in Iceland. Iris is inspired by the woman, her mind and body. The concept for most of her work is the endless battle that often happens between the two.[1]

Dagrun’s work is largely inspired by nature and is often shown as an escape where nature and the person become one. Fashion magazines are another influence in her art making, where reality often gets second place. That really interested me as much of my work is about the blur between reality and fake images in fashion magazines and that reality does often get second place when it comes to the sleek glossy magazine images.

Nothing Inside’
Collage 12.2 H x 9.1 W x 0.4 in1/2", Collage: Paper on Paper. Gouache, cut and paste on watercolour paper.

What I love about the two selected images is the combination of paint and other mediums with the collage. I like how the abstract drips of paint and shapes add or detract from her collages and how Dagrun uses negative space. I find that her inspirations are similar to mine and that the images intrigue me as to what the artist’s thinking was when Dagrun made these pieces. I am finding that more abstract and impressionist works are inspiring me more than direct collages and I love the combination of various mixed mediums with collages elements whether it be directly from magazines or a paint drip cut out from another pages (the pink paint on ‘Splash’ see below).

9.4 H x 6.3 W x 0.4 in, Collage: Other on Paper. Gouache, cut and paste on watercolour paper.



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