Friday, 15 April 2016

Bank Street Arts Exhibition Progress

Bank Street Arts Exhibition Progress

Below is the first stage of the piece, I decided to cover the canvas in different papers to give the canvas more texture. I thought that it would make the canvas more interesting and give it more depth rather than it being just a flat background.
Canvas 1m x 1.5m, paper
 Below is the second stage of the canvas, I painted over the paper with acrylic paints (black, blue and red) which all flowed nicely together. I decided on darker colours as most of my collage would be very bright and skin tones would look better set off against a dark background.
Canvas 1m x 1.5m, paper & acrylic paint
 Below is the first layout of my collaged images that I tried, I thought it looked a bit sparse and it wasn't giving the effect I wanted it to. After some feedback from my peers I went on to add more collaged images.
Canvas 1m x 1.5m, paper, acrylic paint & collage
 Below is the next try with more collaged pieces, it looked less sparse but it did not feel overwhelming or chaotic which is the intention behind the piece. After some suggestions I went on to try the third iteration of the piece.
Canvas 1m x 1.5m, paper, acrylic paint & collage
 Below is the final text of layout for my collaged images, I really liked layering them on top of each other. This layering gave the piece a more chaotic feel, I decided to produce more images to layer to cover almost the entire canvas.
Canvas 1m x 1.5m, paper, acrylic paint & collage


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