Saturday 22 November 2014

Does anything shock us now?

Does anything shock us?

As I was thinking this week I thought about how shocking Bowie was back in the 60's and 70's and that now he isn't as controversial as he used to be. Men wearing make up and tight clothes is not an unusual thing now in our society also the issue of his sexuality back then would not be a big deal now as being gay or bisexual is very out in the open.

When I was thinking about it in a broader scale I asked myself, does anything shock us now? With so much information on the internet and TV etc. are we all desensitised to everything out there? Not much that comes on our newsfeeds or television shocks us now as we hear about so much of the same thing repeatedly. For example the Jimmy Savile child abuse case was really shocking when it first came out but now there is a flood of similar cases coming out that it has lost its shock value.

I don't want to make controversial or shocking work but I am interested in what is shocking to society now in relation to identity (gender and sexuality).

What does shock me however is double standards in particular that men can go out in public with no nipple coverage but women cannot.

 What is the difference? They all look the same and have the same responses, so why is it acceptable for men and not for women? Isn't that double standard shocking?

What else in terms of gender do we still find shocking? 


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