Friday 27 March 2015

Exhibition Law Seminar

Exhibition Law Seminar

Title of work: Remnants of a protest
Remnants of a protest is a work that discusses the problem of freedom of expressing ones identity. In some countries across the world many people are discriminated against and even prosecuted for expressing an identity that is deemed wrong by their culture. It is felt by many people in the western world that many of these issues are not being publicised to us so I have tried to highlight this discrimination in my work. The piece is interactive and the viewer is free to leave their comments about this work and the subject of discrimination using the pens provided either by writing on the work or by using the paper provided.


  • Where is the line between nudity and porn? 'Portrait Of Ms Ruby May'.
  • Article 9: Everyone has the right to their views (freedom of thought, religion etc.).
  • Illyands Posten 'Prophet Muhammed'.
  • Harassment or distress.
  • University has an anti-harassment policy.
  • Article 10: Freedom of expression.
  • Antony Norwood case.
  • Doctrine of notice - CCTV.
  • Section 58 A: Can't stop you filming the police.
  • 'Act of terrorism' documentary.
  • "Artistic freedom is vital if we are to have an open cultural space in the UK. However, many cultural organisations are overly cautious" - Limitations.
  • Most artistic expression cases are in other countries.
  • Legal limits, Police intervention, self censorship and religious issues are all limitations.
  • China/North Korea: Can't do anything artistically.
  • Guidelines: We can display graphic content if we want to and exemption of copyright law in the university space.
  • Exhibition Info: 4-7pm get there at 3pm to set up.


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