Friday 27 November 2015

Exhibition At Gage Gallery

Exhibition At Gage Gallery

First Layout

First Layout

First Layout

It was suggested to me by Col to separate the layout into two separate pieces and to lay them out on different sides of the boards, he also suggested that I should move the plinth to be further away from the other two pieces to make it less direct.

I separated the images and tried a different way of presenting them, Yuen suggested that they might look more interesting on the bare insides of the boards rather than white on white. Also the small balls that were on the plinth looked better as just one rather than multiple.

Finished Exhibition Layout Images

The feedback I got from the visitors to the exhibition was good and Julie gave me some good ideas to take forward and explore in my work including: she liked the subtle details, try censoring with make-up, photocopy them to do lots of them rather than just one, piles of the balls, likes the subtle stitching and pink between legs sanitary product, billboards mock ups what would they be like & censoring with Biro scribbling.


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