Thursday, 7 January 2016

Clunie Reid

Clunie Reid

Clunie Reid is a English artist who lives and works in London, her work is a rejection of aspirational lifestyle-magazine culture. Clunie Reid re-appropriates the glossy images from the media in a similar way to Linder and Jamie Reid (most famous for his work with the Buzzcocks in the 1970's).

 What I like most about Reid's work is how simple it is but how powerful the message behind her work is, she scribbles over images with a pen to highlight either how clichéd the images are or to make in-jokes to other artist who use the mass media in a similar way.

 Her juxtapositions are playful but also point out flaws in the media industry and how over sexualised it is and the lack of regulations the industry has on a whole. She forces us to question consumer culture and the sleek celebrity images we are bombarded by every minute of everyday and how we are affected by them.


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