Saturday 31 January 2015

Drawing From Personal Perspective: Workshop

Drawing From Personal Perspective: Week 1

Concepts Of Self: Drawing With The Life Model

Photo of the whole group
I decided that for my 6 week intensive workshop I would do 'Drawing From A Personal Perspective' as it felt the most relevant to my current practice.  In the first session we did some interesting approaches to drawing from the live model. 

First we did a standard short (10min) drawing.We then started to do various other exercises including only looking at the life model and not at our drawing (see second left image), drawing from a sensory perspective which included us touching our faces and not looking at the paper to transcribe what we were feeling (see second right image). And the final was a drawing done in parts (see bottom image).

Charcoal on paper (A2 size)

Charcoal on paper (A2 parts x 4)


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