Thursday, 12 November 2015

Richard Hamilton

Richard Hamilton

Richard Hamilton is a UK based artist (Born in London 1922) who did mostly paintings and collages. I had the privilege of seeing one of his works in Manchester and when he was brought up again in my crit group meeting I decided to look at more of his work.

Richard Hamilton 'Fashion-plate' 1969-70

I really like his collage work, I really like the disjointed aspect of them and how he uses more than just cut-outs to create his images as he uses paint in several.

 Richard Hamilton 'Towards a definitive statement on the coming trends in menswear and accessories (a) Together let us explore the stars' 1962
  The above piece especially interested me due to the inspiration behind the work, the idea that fashion can be determined by a technological environment. At the time the piece was created the space race was going on and it was very glamorised. 

"The artist in twentieth-century urban life is inevitably a consumer of mass culture and potentially a contributor to it."

Richard Hamilton 'Swingeing London 67 - poster' 1967-68


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